Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Meet the Artist-Sandy Amazeen (Jewelry, Fiber...)

As promised here is the first interview in the series "Meet the Artist" By Paula Nord.

What do you want to share with others in your work?
A joy in the medium and perhaps allow others to see beauty in the everyday items around them

Which piece(s) would you never sell?
There are a few pieces of bead-work and other items that I couldn't part with because of the many hours involved or the memories attached.

What (or whose) other artworks do you display in your home?
Native American woven rugs, studio glass paperweights, a collection of my boxes and assorted hanging art I've made over the years.

How do you make time for your art?
Making time is a constant challenge, multitasking is a must and I try to work as efficiently as possible to maximize every minute.

What obstacles do you overcome to create?
Time, there's never enough time to do all the things I want to get accomplished.  Being largely self- taught there have often been times when a lack of knowledge has been frustrating but it has also led to some interesting discoveries as well.

Are you ever bored? How do you break out of a slump?
Bored? You must be joking! Being in a slump is seldom a problem as I work in so many mediums that when one doesn't sing I simply do something else for a while, then return to the project with renewed interest

Whose work inspires you?
Nature, William Morris, Ed Mell

What other mediums interest you?
Silversmithing is next on my list of things to learn.

Where are you "going" with your art?
The ideas just come to me so it's more a matter of where is the art taking me.  Would eventually like to use my lapidary work in fine silver settings, weave more rugs and add a more organic feel to my creations.

What kind of class/workshop would you most like to attend?
Silversmithing, glass blowing and who knows.

How does you artistic attitude affect your day job?
Am sometimes distracted by a distinctive pattern, coming up with a project solution or figuring out a new design idea.

How does small-town life help/hinder your work?
Limited access to artists with similar interests is a drawback which is balanced by having a nice quiet place to work?

Which family members are artistically inclined?
My uncle makes Beautiful hooked rugs and an aunt who knits lovely sweaters, makes baskets and does cross stitch on sweatshirts.

Describe your ideal work-space.
One huge room with a wall dedicated to storing my ever increasing inventory of beads, rocks, yarns and reference library.  Plenty of room for my two biggest looms (one is nearly as big as a small SUV), my jewelers bench, clay table, a lapidary station with water and more.  Maybe a warehouse would work!

What are your thoughts on the co-op experience? Is this new for your?
I've been involved with co-ops before and found them all interesting, each one was different.  The main problem I currently have is finding enough time to fit in my work shifts and fortunately, this gallery is very understanding about that.

To view some of Sandy's work check out our website thegalleryinwilliams.com

Still have questions? Post your questions for Sandy and get and answer from the artist.

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