Wednesday, October 30, 2013


Joanne Tallarovic, Louisa Ballard, Janice Woodburne

What do you want to share with others in your work?
We are all weavers who weave high quality works of art.
Which piece(s) would you never sell?
We would never sell our national award-winning pieces.
What (or whose) other artworks do you display in your home?
We all have Navajo, Hopi and international ethnic weavings displayed.
How do you make time for your art?
We are all full-time studio artists.
What obstacles do you overcome to create?
Our main obstacles to overcome are health issues.
Are you ever bored?  How do you break out of a slump?
None of us has experienced a slump.  We exchange creative ideas.
Whose work inspires you?
We are inspired by Navajo and Swedish weavers.
What other mediums interest you?
We find inspiration in ceramics, with knitting, sewing and needlework.
Where are you “going” with your art?
We plan to continue to be creative, productive and to exhibit and sell our weaving.
What kind of class/workshop would you most like to attend?
We would all like to learn more about weave structures, color and technique.
How does your artistic attitude affect your day job?
This is our day job!
How does small-town life help/hinder your work?
Living in a small town, one’s exposure to art galleries and exhibitions is limited.  However, there is a community spirit of helping each other which is missing in a metropolitan area.
Which family members are artistically inclined?
We all come from artistic families and our offspring continue the tradition of creativity.
Describe your ideal workspace.
We espouse a large, well lit, well equipped studio.
What are your thoughts on the co-op experience?  Is this new for you? 

This is not a new experience for us.  Being around other creative artists generates our own creativity.  The co-op enhances our production and the meeting of deadlines.

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