Monday, September 26, 2011

Lights, Camera, Action well...Lights anyway.

So next to the art (and I will talk about that in the next posting) what's the most important component in a great gallery? LIGHTS! At least that's what I believe. Now I have been in many art galleries as I am sure you have but, how much attention did you pay to the lights. Right!  Well I set out to rectify that by revisiting some of my favorite galleries. Like I need an excuse to do that.

Let me tell you right now that people are going to look at you funny when you walk into a gallery with beautiful art and all you do is stare at the lights. Even more so if you go with someone and you have already been to several galleries and you stand under the lights saying "I don't think I like these as well as the last ones." You might have and artist/sales person ask you to leave or "Why are you looking at our lights?" This is what happened to us

Now maybe you didn't know that lights and everything else involved in setting up and running an art gallery are aggressively protected trade secrets. I mean I have had a warmer reception from a mother grizzly protecting her cubs. O.K. that's not fair. There were some gracious gallery owners that were more than willing to share but, that's for another post.

After visiting a multitude of  galleries and countless online searches we did come up with a solution from They were not only helpful but very knowledgeable.  You could call them first and not have to call anyone else.

Just a little about the lights. We have LED's around the walls but, in the middle we have halogen due to price. I will have to let you know if that was wise when I receive our first electricity bill. LED's are very expensive and the cost for our small gallery would have been well over $6,000.00 and that was just the lights and fixtures. We got all of the lights the drop down tracks and everything else for much less than that by going halogen.

Well I have taken enough of your time

Thanks for reading

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